User Manual

Chapter 4: Keeping in touch
Making calls
Your ROG Phone oers you many ways to make a call. Call your friends from your contacts list,
smart dial to quickly place a call, or enter a speed-dial number to call your frequently-called
NOTE: Organize your contacts in the Contacts app. For details, see Managing contacts.
Launching the Phone app
• Tap .
• SwipeupfromthelowerpartofyourHomescreenthentapPhone.
Dialing a phone number
Use the Phone app to directly dial a phone number.
1. From your Home screen, tap Phone then tap the number keys.
2. Select from call buttons SIM 1 or SIM 2 to dial the number.
NOTE: The labels of the call buttons may vary depending on the setting that you made to your SIM
cards. For more details, see Dual SIM feature.
Dialing an extension number
When you need to call an extension number, you can do any of these steps to skip the voice
Prompting for conrmation of an extension number
You can insert a conrmation prompt for the extension number after dialing the main number.
1. From the Phone app, enter the main number.
2. To insert a conrmation prompt, tap and hold # until a semi-colon (;) appears.
3. Select from call buttons SIM 1 or SIM 2 to make the call.
4. When prompted, tap Yes to conrm the extension number.
5. Tap to end the call.