User Manual

otherwise stationary. But if you need to dial while driving, follow
this simple tip: Dial only a few numbers, check the road and your
mirrors, then continue.
7 Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may
be distracting. Stressful or emotional conversations and driving
do not mix-they are distracting and even dangerous when you are
behind the wheel. Make people you are talking with aware you
are driving and if necessary, suspend phone conversations which
have the potential to divert your attention from the road.
8 Use your smartphone to call for help. Your smartphone is one of
the greatest tools you can own to protect yourself and your
family in dangerous situations-with your smartphone at your side,
help is only three numbers away. Dial 911 in the case of fire,
traffic accident, road hazard, or medical emergencies.
Remember, 911is a free call on your smartphone.
9 Use your smartphone to help others in emergencies. If you see
an auto accident, crime in progress, or other serious emergency
where lives are in danger, call 911, as you would want others to
do for you.
10 Call roadside assistance or a special wireless non-emergency
assistance number when necessary. Certain situations you
encounter while driving may require attention, but are not urgent
enough to merit a call to 911. But you can still use your
smartphone to lend a hand. If you see a broken-down vehicle
posing no serious hazard, a broken traffic signal, a minor traffic
accident where no one appears injured, or a vehicle you know to
be stolen, call roadside assistance or other special
non-emergency wireless number.
Digital Wireless Phones to be Compatible with Hearing
Aids On July 10, 2003, the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) modified the exemption for wireless phones under the Hearing
Aid Compatibility Act of 1988. This means that wireless phone
manufacturers and service providers must make digital wireless
phones accessible to individuals who use hearing aids.
For more information, please go to the FCC’s Consumer Alert on
accessibility of digital wireless phones at
Wireless telephones are hand-held phones with built-in antennas,
often called cell, mobile, or PCS phones. These phones are popular
with callers because they can be carried easily from place to place.
Wireless telephones are two-way radios. When you talk into a
wireless telephone, it picks up your voice and converts the sound to
radio frequency energy (or radio waves). The radio waves travel
through the air until they reach a receiver at a nearby base station.
The base station then sends your call through the telephone network
until it reaches the person you are calling.
When you receive a call on your wireless telephone, the message
travels through the telephone network until it reaches a base station
close to your wireless phone. Then the base station sends out radio
waves that are detected by a receiver in your telephone, where the
signals are changed back into the sound of a voice.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) each regulate wireless telephones. FCC
ensures that all wireless phones sold in the United States follow
safety guidelines that limit radio frequency (RF) energy. FDA
monitors the health effects of wireless telephones. Each agency has
the authority to take action if a wireless phone produces hazardous
levels of RF energy.
FDA derives its authority to regulate wireless telephones from the
Radiation Control provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act (originally enacted as the Radiation Control for Health and Safety
Act of 1968). [