User's Manual

Chapter 8
To change the remote device folder:
1. To move down in the directory structure of the remote device, tap the
New Folder from the main window of Bluetooth File Explorer.
 7RPRYHup in the directory structure of the remote device, tap the
down-arrow to the right of the currently selected folder and select the
New Folder from the drop-down list.
To create a folder on the remote device:
1. Select the folder in which you wish to place the new folder.
 )URPWKH)LOHPHQXWDSCreate a Folder.
3. Enter a name for the new folder while the default name New Folder is
1. From the File menu, tap Send a File... to display the Open screen.
The Open screen includes the following:
you wish to send.
Type - default and only option is “All Files (*.*).
Cancel button - abort the Send a File... operation.
which the Bluetooth File Explorer re-appears.