User Guide

LooksGood is a dedicated management center for video
les and a Web-based video player for
content on your NAS. Compatible with the most popular web browsers, users only need to
enable the LooksGood App from within ADM to begin playing 1080p high de
nition videos.
LooksGood features a stylish and modern interface that displays video collections via
thumbnails and a poster wall layout for easy browsing. Furthermore, enhanced smart database
management now makes global searches to be faster and more ef
cient for users.
LooksGood also features real-time transcoding and media conversions that help provide users
with a smooth and stress-free playback experience. Additionally, you could stream videos from
your NAS via Chromecast or DLNA with LooksGood, allowing you to enjoy your videos on a
larger TV.
Additionally, AiVideos allows you to stream videos via Chromecast or DLNA, so you can enjoy
your videos on a larger TV.
Formats supported by LooksGood are as follows:
Supported Web Browsers: Windows Edge / Chrome / Firefox, Mac Safari
Supported Video Formats: avi, flv, mov, mp4, mkv, mka, ts, mpg, ra, ram, rm, rv, rmvb
Supported Video Codecs: aac_latm, aac, dca, H.264 (AVC), H.265 (HEVC), mlp, mp1, mp2, mp3,
mpeg2video, mpeg4, vc1, wmav2, wmv3
Compatibility USB DAC