User Guide

FTP Server
After enabling the FTP server setting, you will be able to access your NAS via any FTP client
program (i.e., FileZilla). FTP server access rights are the same as those for the system (ADM).
Should you wish to change or configure these access rights, you may do so using the shared
folders setting found in the Access Control system app (see section Access Control .)
Unicode support:
Please enable this option if your FTP client program supports Unicode.
Enable anonymous:
Enabling this option will allow FTP client programs to access your NAS anonymously, without
the need for a username or password. For security reasons, this is not recommended.
Enable SSL/TLS: Enable encryption for FTP connections.
Enable FXP:
FXP stands for File eXchange Protocol. By enabling this option, FTP service will support server-
to-server file transfer function.
Maximum number of all FTP connections:
The maximum number of simultaneous FTP connections allowed.
Maximum number of connections per IP: