User`s manual

Multiple handset use
Push-to-talk (PTT)
You can directly broadcast messages to the speakerphone of
any handset. Any handset you call can respond by pressing the
PUSH TO TAL� key to begin two-way communication.
Only one handset can talk at a time. To do so, press and hold
You must release PUSH TO TAL�, so another person can respond.
Only one PTT session can be active at a time.
While PTT is in use between two handsets, other handsets cannot use the
intercom feature but can access the answering system.
Turn incoming PTT on or off
1. Press PUSH TO TAL� when the handset is not in use. The PUSH TO TAL�
menu displays.
2. Press qCID or pDIR to highlight
PTT On/Off, then press MENU/SELECT.
3. Press qCID or pDIR to choose
, then press MENU/SELECT.
PTT call to a single handset
1. When the handset is not in use:
If you have a two-handset system, press and hold PUSH TO TAL�.
If you have more than two handsets, press PUSH TO TAL�. Then press
qCID or pDIR to highlight the destination handset number and then
Your handset screen shows Connecting to HANDSET X...
(X represents
the destination handset number)
for a few seconds. When the connection
is made, both your and the destination handset screens display Press and
hold [PTT] to talk.
2. Press and hold PUSH TO TAL� on your handset. A chirp indicates your
microphone is on. Speak towards the handset. Your voice is broadcast to
the destination handset.
3. Release PUSH TO TAL� after speaking. Both handsets beep once again.
After the handsets beep, you can press and hold PUSH TO TAL� to
continue speaking or the destination handset can respond (see Answer a
PTT call on the next page).
4. To end the PTT call, press OFF/CANCEL or place the handset in the
telephone base or charger.