Technical information

Keeping Unauthorized Third Parties from Entering the
Issue 7 June 2001
Status Remote Access Command
For DEFINITY G3V4 and later, which includes DEFINITY ECS, the status
remote-access command provides the status of remote access. The display
provides data on whether or not a barrier code has expired, the expiration date
and time of the barrier code, the cause of the expiration, whether Remote Access
is disabled (SVN or command), the time and date when it was disabled, and
barrier codes.
Logoff Screen Notification
For DEFINITY G3V4 and later, which includes DEFINITY ECS, a notification is
provided on the logoff screen that identifies when Remote Access is enabled and
when the Facility Test Call Feature Access Code is active. The user has the option
of acknowledging these notifications.
Use of the acknowledgment option is strongly recommended for those systems
utilizing both Remote Access and Facility Test Call (for notification if the feature is
inadvertently left enabled), or those systems requiring notification if Facility Test
Call is linked to hacking activity.