Operation Manual

5 Use
GB 13
While the appliance is running off coff ee, never remove the water
tank. If it is removed, the appliance will not be able to make the
coff ee. If the appliance malfunctions, do not contact the service
centre straight away.  e problem can almost always be resolved
by following the instructions indicated on pages 30 until 33.
If this is not the case, or for further explanations, contact the
customer service.
5.2.3 Changing the quantity of coff ee in the cup
e appliance is factory preset to automatically deliver the following
quantities of coff ee:
- espresso cup;
- small cup;
- medium cup;
- large cup;
- mug.
To change these quantities, proceed as follows:
Press the MENU button 1.
and press the scrolling buttons < or >
until the menu option COFFEE PROGRAM appears. Confi rm
the menu option with the OK button.
Select the cup size you want to change with the scrolling buttons 2.
< or >. When the desired cup size is displayed, confi rm it with the
OK button.
A bar appears on the display, which can be made bigger or smaller; 3.
this represents the cup fi lling quantity. A diff erent lling quantity
can be selected using the scrolling buttons < or > in 10 steps.
When the bar is completely full, this represents the max. cup
lling quantity of about 220 ml.
Select the desired cup fi lling quantity and confi rm it with the 4. OK
button.  is lling quantity is now programmed in. (If OK is not
pressed, the appliance automatically returns to the coff ee mode
after about 120 seconds without saving the entries).
After programming the display automatically jumps back to the
menu option for setting the fi lling quantity, e.g. ESPRESSO CUP.
To go back to the coff ee mode immediately, press the MENU
twice or wait about 120 seconds until the appliance
automatically jumps back to coff ee mode.
5 Use
GB 12
You can stop the coff ee from dispensing at any time by pressing
the previously selected ”1 cup
button or “2 cups button
again, or by turning the “cup size” knob anti-clockwise towards
espresso cup”.
As soon as the coff ee has fi nished dispensing, you can increase the
amount of coff ee by pressing and holding the “1 cup” button
until the desired amount of coff ee is reached (the button must be
pressed as soon as the progress bar reaches 100%).
When the display shows the message FILL TANK!, you must fi ll
the tank, otherwise the appliance cannot make any coff ee (it is
normal that there is some water left in the water tank when the
message is displayed).
e appliance counts the number of coff ees made. Every 14 single
coff ees (or 7 doubles) the appliance displays EMPTY WASTE
COFFEE CONTAINER.  is means that the waste coff ee
container is full and must be emptied and cleaned. As long as
the waste coff ee container is not cleaned, this message remains in
place and the coff ee machine cannot make any coff ee. To clean,
open the service door at the front by pulling the coff ee spout
(fi g. 8), remove the drip tray (fi g. 9), empty it and clean it.
When proceeding, always completely extract the drip tray,
to avoid that it falls when removing the grounds container
(fi g. 10). Empty the grounds container and clean thoroughly,
making sure all residues deposited on the bottom are removed.
Important! Every time you pull the drip tray out, the waste
coff ee container must also be emptied, even if it is not
completely full. If this process is not carried out, it is possible
for the waste coff ee container to overfi ll when coff ee is made
later and for the excess coff ee to block the machine.