User Guide

KM0832 User Manual
Naming Stations
To help distinguish one KVM switch from another in cascaded installations,
super administrators and administrators can assign unique names to each
Hint: Assigning a name to a station makes it possible to find it later using the
search function.
To assign a station name to the KM0832:
1. If you are not logged in to the KM0832 Administrator Utility, open the
KM0832 Login page and login. The KM0832 Administrator Utility Main
Screen will appear.
2. Click on the target station in the tree view to select it.
3. From the Administration menu, choose Station Management. The
Station Management Webpage appears.
4. Type a name in the Station Name field. Station names may be up to 15
characters long. Legal characters include: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, space, and
hyphen. Enter a unique name for the station that will differentiate it from
all other stations in the KVM installation.
5. Click Save.