User's Manual

AT870 User Reference
3) Setting the Emulator
Figure 8. Setting Menu
1. Result Type
There are 2 kinds of method to print the scanned barcode data where a curser is
A. Keyboard Event : Print the scanned barcode data like input Keyboard
B. Copy & Paste : Print the scanned barcode data with Clipboard
2. Terminator
You can set the termination code at the end of Barcode Value to tap Terminator .
A. None : No input the termination code.
B. CRLF(Default Setting) : Carriage Return & Line Feed (Enter code)
C. Space : Input Space code.
D. Tab : Input Tab key code.
3. KeySetup
You can make Hardware keys set to aim the lager beam.
A. F1 ~ F8 Key : press those keys on the keypad to read barcode after setting.
B. Gun1, Gun2 : Set for the gun-typed AT870 .
C. KBD/1, KBD/2 key : Same with the F1 ~ F8 Key
D. Left Key, Right Key key : Same with the F1 ~ F8 Key
4. Sound : set the sound On/Off after Scanning Barcode
5. Vibrator : set the Vibrator On/Off after Scanning Barcode
6. Setting : NO use.
7. Close : Make Emulator Program closed