User's Manual

AT911 User Reference Guide
2. Power
This section introduces the power system of AT911 as power switch and battery
2.1 Power ON/OFF
2.1.1 Power ON
1. Press power key, the AT911 and the backlight will be on
2. Idle to conserve battery power when power is turned on, the backlight is OFF
2.1.2 P o w e r O F F
1. Press power key, you actually suspend the AT911 and turn off the display and backlight.
2.2 Battery
AT911 uses replaceable 2200mAh Li-ion batteries
If the battery continues to drop to the Low battery Status the battery status LED becomes red
and blinks. You need to recharge the battery
2.2.1 Checking battery Power
You can check the battery status by using the power applet.
Settings > Power
If you open this ICON you can check the Battery power gauge.
2.2.2 V e r y L o w b a t t e r y s t a t u s
To prevent the AT911 from being discharged completely, your AT911 will be suspended, when
the battery continues to get low. You need to recharge your battery before the battery
continues to drop
2.3 Removing and installing the battery
2.3.1 Removing the battery
I f y o u a r e u s i ng t he G un h a n dl e , p l e ase r em o ve t he G u n h an d l e f i rst
f r om d ev i ce, a nd y ou d o n ot h a ve t o r emo v e w h o le b od y , j u s t r e mov e
t o p o r b o t to m t he n c h a nge t he b at t er y
2.3.2 Installing the battery
Insert the bottom of battery into the sunken place located in battery compartment and press
the battery latch to the above until the battery is installed completely.
2.4 Battery discharging
Several factors determine the life of your battery such as extreme temperatures, input devices,
and your usage, but generally you can use At911 for 5~12 hours.
2.5 Recharging the battery
Use the adapter provided from ATID to recharge your battery
Your AT870 can be damaged, in case of using the adapter that is not provided from ATID