Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
User Manual
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1. A compressor is a dynamic setting that can automatically reduce peaks in volume and smooth out a radically changing signal. It is used differently
depending on what instrument or signal is being tamed. Compressing reduces the peak levels by squashing the sound into more even levels,
reducing channel clipping, while remaining loud. A good setting sounds natural and rich. The art of setting up a compressor correctly takes some
practice. While learning, subtle changes are a good routine.
2. Enable the Compressor and Active indicator.
3. Settings: Threshold, Ratio, Knee, Attack Time, Hold Time, Release Time, Makeup Gain.
Threshold: The signal level required to engage the Compressor.
Ratio: The amount of reduction compared to signal when compressing.
Knee: The smoothing curve at the Threshold.
Attack Time: The amount of time to fully engage the Compressor after signal level increases beyond the threshold.
Hold Time: The amount of time Compression is held after the signal level decreases below the threshold.
Release Time: The amount of time to fully disengage the Compressor after hold time has expired.
Makeup Gain: This is a way to level up gain that is reduced by the Compression.
4. Display of compression curve with dynamic Threshold, Knee, and Gain Reduction that can be adjusted by mouse, or touch and see-hear
changes in real-time.
5. Shows the activity of the Gain Reduction in real time to help adjust the required amount.