Warranty Manual

The AT-GAIN-120 provides two audio ports which provide analog audio input and output. The ANALOG IN port can
be used to connect an audio digital signal processor (DSP) or other audio source device. Balanced or unbalanced
wiring is supported.
The LINE OUT port can be used to connect an audio output device or daisy-chain to another amplier.
The wiring for the ANALOG IN and LINE OUT ports, support either
balanced or unbalanced audio, as shown below. Both ports use the
included 5-pin captive screw connectors.
Connect program/stereo speakers to the included 4-pin captive screw
connector, then connect the terminal block to the 4 / 8 Ω OUT port.
When connecting program / stereo speakers, set the MODE switch to
either 4 Ω or 8 Ω, depending upon the speakers impedance.
Audio Connectors
4 / 8 Ω OUT
Side View Side View
2 1
2 1
Rear View
Rear View
Balanced audio using XLR connectors Unbalanced audio using RCA connectors
1. Use wire strippers to remove a portion of the cable jacket.
2. Remove at least 3/16” (5 mm) from the insulation of each wire.
3. Connect the wires as shown, using either balanced or unbalanced wiring.
NOTE: The LINE OUT port is a xed-level analog output, only. There is no D/A conversion when
using the optional AT-GAIN-NET card.
NOTE: The LINE OUT port only outputs analog audio. This port cannot be used to output
digital audio from the optional AT-GAIN-NET card. Also, volume mute, using the web GUI or the
VOUTMute command, will mute the LINE OUT pass-through.