Warranty Manual

Basic Operation
1. Establish the IP address of the AT-GAIN-120.
2. Launch a Telnet client and connect to the AT-GAIN-120. In this example, the built-in Telnet client, which is
included with Windows 10, is used:
a. Click the magnifying glass icon, in the lower-left corner of the Windows desktop.
b. Type cmd, then press [ENTER]. The Command Prompt window will be displayed.
c. At the prompt, type telnet. The following will be displayed:
Auto Switching
When auto-switching is enabled, the AT-GAIN-120 will automatically switch audio inputs, based on the presence of
an input signal. Auto-switching is enabled, by default. If the AT-GAIN-NET card is not installed, this feature will not
have any eect.
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client
Escape Character is ‘CTRL+]’
Microsoft Telnet>
Microsoft Telnet>o
Welcome to TELNET
NOTE: In order to Telnet to the AT-GAIN-120, the IP settings must be set correctly. Refer to IP
Conguration (page 15) for more information.
d. Type the letter o, followed by the IP address of the AT-GAIN-120. For example:
e. Press [ENTER]. If the connection was successful, the following text will be displayed:
f. Type AutoSW on, then press [ENTER]. Specifying the on parameter will enable auto-switching. The AT-
GAIN-120 will verify that auto-switching is enabled, by echoing the command line to the screen:
AutoSW on
g. To disable auto-switch, type AutoSW o at the command line.