Warranty Manual

Network page
The Web GUI
Click the ON button to enable DHCP. Click the OFF
button to enable static IP mode. In static IP mode, the IP
Address, Subnet, and Gateway elds can be modied.
IP Address
Enter the IP address of the AT-GAIN-120 in this eld.
This eld can only be changed when DHCP is set to
Enter the subnet mask in this eld. This eld can only be
changed when DHCP is set to OFF.
Enter the gateway (router) IP address in this eld. This
eld can only be changed when DHCP is set to OFF.
Telnet Port
Enter the Telnet listening port in this eld. The default
port is 23.
Enter the HTTP listening port in this eld. The default
port is 80. This eld cannot be modied.
IP Timeout
Enter the time-out interval (in seconds) in this eld.
This eld represents the time interval before the TCP/IP
connection times out.
Enter the desired hostname in this eld. By default, the
hostname is the product (SKU) plus the last ve digits of
the unit serial number.
Telnet Login Mode
Click the ON button to prompt for username and
password credentials. Username and password
credentials are the same as the web GUI login
credentials. Click the OFF button to create an open
Telnet session that does not require login credentials.
The default setting is OFF.
Save / Cancel
Click the Save button after any changes have been
made. Click the Cancel button to abort changes.
After pressing the Save button, a reboot message will appear at the top of the web GUI. The AT-GAIN-120 must be
rebooted when any of the network settings have changed.