User manual

Toll free: 1-877-536-3976
Local: 1-408-962-0515
Step 5: Change IP to and Subnet: (see picture E)
Step 6: Press apply
Step 7: Close internet type connection and launch IP software
Log in:
Host: (matrix IP)
Port: 23 (matrix port)
Step 8: Verify DHCP is off
Send command “IPDHCPsta” followed by a
carriage return -- Feedback should be “DHCPoff”
If DHCP is on use command “IPDHCPoff” to turn it off
Step 9: Change the current IP using the command
IP can be anything the system devices aren’t currently
using. (200 is just an example)
* This will cause the IP software to close *
Step 10: Go back to your network settings and return
the IP V.4 to the original settings ------------>
Step 11: Reopen the IP software
Log in:
Host: (new matrix IP)
Port: 23 (matrix port)
Step 10: (optional) Change the port using the
command “IPPort 4400” + carriage return
4400 is just an example. The port can be
changed to what is needed/wanted
This will cause the IP software to close
Step 11: Relog into IP software
Log in:
Host: (new matrix IP)
Port: 4400 (new matrix port)
The matrix is now ready to be used for TCP/IP control.
The command codes are case sensitive, do not change capitalization, spacing, or lettering.
Command Feedback Description
PWON PWON Power on
PWSTA PWx Will display the power status of the matrix (ex. Power is on = PWON)
Version (Firmware #) Brings up the current firmware version
Lock Lock Locks the front panel of the matrix so no buttons are active
Unlock Unlock Unlocks the front panel of the matrix, enabling the buttons again
All# x1AVx1,x2AVx2,... Resets all inputs to corresponding outputs (in3 to out3)
x1$ x1$ Turns off output channel (to turn off output 3 = x3$)
x1AVx2 x1AVx2 Switch input to output (input 3 to output 2 = x3AVx2)
x1AVx2,x3,x4 x1AVx2,x3,x4 Switch input to multiple outputs (input 3 = x3AVx1,x2)
IRON IRON Turns on the IR receiver
IROFF IROFF Turns off the IR receiver