Owner's Manual

Welcome Screen
Custom Messaging
The options selected here will appear in the bottom left hand corner of the screen with the QR code.
Title - Type in the header that will be displayed in bold in the top left of the white box.
Message - The information written here will appear below the header in the white box.
URL - The URL typed in here will translate into a scannable QR code. The default scan will bring the user to the
WAVE-101 landing page.
Clock Format - Switch between 12 hour time format and 24 hour time format to display.
Digital Signage
When enabled, this will replace the regular welcome screen with a custom page.
External URL - Type in the URL where the custom welcome screen is located.
Show Footer with Room Name and PIN - Enable or disable this to display room information at the bottom of the
custom welcome screen.
Set delay - By default the delay is set to 0, which means it will automatically switch the default welcome screen
to the digital signage screen when the current presentation is done. By setting this from 0 seconds to an hour,
the custom digital signage screen will not appear for an hour after all queued (if enabled) presentations are
completed. The default Atlona Welcome screen will display while digital signage is not displaying.