User Manual

5. Non-Volatile Memory Information
The SAM R21 provides a user readable Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) space referred to as the user row in
the data sheet. The base address for the application is 0x804008.
Table 5-1 NVM (User Row) Data
Offset Address Field Name Field Description Length
+0x00 MIB_REVISION Data structure revision 0x1501 2 Bytes
+0x02 MAC_IEEE_ADDRESS Module specific IEEE MAC Address 8 Bytes
+0x0A BOARD_SERIAL Module specific serial number 10 Bytes
+0x14 ATMEL_PART_NO Product specific part number 8 Bytes
+0x1C PCBA_REV Product PCB/assembly revision 1 Byte
+0x1D XTAL_TRIM Reference crystal calibration value 1 Byte
+0x1E CRC16 Checksum for this data structure 2 Bytes
The end user application software has to copy two data fields to radio transceiver registers. The data in
MAC_IEEE_ADDRESS have to be copied to the registers IEEE_ADDR_0 to _7. The
MAC_IEEE_ADDRESS is stored little endian with the first byte stored at the lowest address.
The XTAL_TRIM value has been determined during production test and needs to be copied to the
transceiver XTAL_TRIM section inside the XOSC_CTRL register. This will reduce the absolute deviation
for the 16MHz reference crystal. See Module Performance Data on page 11 for parameter details.