User's Manual

Figure 5-4. User I/Os.
The LEDs are connected to PB0..2 for active-high operation. The key will pull PB3 to
GND. The key is intended to be used in combination with the internal pull-up resistor.
Table 5-5. LED/Button connection.
ATxmega256A3 I/O
PB0 (6) D1
PB1 (7) D2
PB2 (8) D3
PB3 (9) T1
To get full accessibility to all I/O pins of the Atmel ATxmega256A3, three 8-bit ports
are routed to 10-pin headers. Each header provides additional pins for VTG and
GND. Figure 5-5 sho
ws the pin-out for a single port.
Figure 5-5. General pin-out of I/O port headers.
Table 5-6. PORTA header connection.
Header PORTA ATxmega256A3
1 PA0 (62)
2 PA1 (63)
3 PA2 (64)
4 PA3 (1)
5 PA4 (2)
6 PA5 (3)
7 PA6 (4)
8 PA7 (5)
10 VTG