User Guide

VirtualDJ provides an intuitive on the fly search capability. Adding files to the global search
can be done two (2) ways.
First is by setting the ‘Search Database’ property in the Configuration Browser tab to ‘Add
automatically’. This will add all files when browsing the folder structures to the search.
The other option is ‘Add manually’. This requires using
the ‘Add to Search DB’ option to be selected when right
clicking on a file or folder in the main browser interface.
In either scenario, once added to the Global Search;
the ability to find the file is always available when doing
a search. The difference is in the results display of the
search determines if it is in the currently selected folder
or elsewhere in the system.
The search field is located at the top of the browser panel. To search the files listed in the
database, left click on the search field then type your search text.
Searching is instant and it is generally not necessary to type the text in its entirety — a few
letters are enough to reduce the list to the single title.
If you want to limit the search results to specific types of file, click on the second bull’s eye
circle to the right of the search box and chose from the Show Music, Show Videos, and Show
Karaoke options.
If your search does not produce any results you can ‘save’ the search criteria to a special text
file. Click on the
graphic between the 2 bull’s-eyes. This allows for a list to be created that
can be used as a ‘need to buy’ list for improving your collection.
This file is called “SearchLog.txt” and can be found in your My
Documents -> VirtualDJ folder.