User Guide

Deck Waveform Display – Mix Point Markers
When automix is active, the deck being used for automix play will show both the current track
(top) playing and the next track (bottom) to be played. The currently playing track will display
an EXIT mix point marker. The track to be played next will show an ENTRANCE mix point
marker. Based on the Automix Type settings the markers can be moved within the tolerance
of the type and time selections made. To change a mix point marker’s position, left click on the
marker and slide it along the waveform to the desired position.
Sequential Order Play Display
The playlist navigation during automix play of what is playing and what is next is sequential
from top to bottom (like most media players). The currently playing track is always highlighted.
With the repeat option on for the entire playlist the navigation will return to the top after the last
track is played in the list.
Add, Move or Remove Track
Reordering tracks by adding more, moving their order, or removing can be done at any time.
To include adding a new track as next, moving a track into the next play, or removing the next
track with the following track now becoming the new next track.
Jump and MIX NOW
While in the Automix ACTIVE mode, double-click on any track in the Playlist and VirtualDJ will
use the assigned crossfade automix settings and mix that track immediately. Also the playlist
will pickup from that point forward. It does not return to the left order location.
Keyboard Shortcut Actions for use with Playlists
“Put in Sidelist / Get from Sidelist” – a keyboard shortcut action “switch_sidelist_playlist”
provides the function for moving track lists between the two panels.
“Make Virtual Folder” – a keyboard shortcut action “vfolder_fromplaylist” provides the function
for creating a VirtualFolder from the current playlist contents.