User Guide

Master Tempo
The master tempo is the algorithm controls how VirtualDJ changes the pitch of the song without
changing its tone (“KeyLock feature”).
The default “Fast algorithm takes only a small percentage of the CPU power, and produces good
results at pitches in the range of -10% to +10%. For more extreme pitching, the fast algorithm can
produce some choppiness.
If your system is strong enough, this can be corrected by using the Advanced algorithm option.
With the Advance option, the algorithm can be scaled to provide good time or good frequency
localization, or both. High time localization means that VirtualDJ produces results similar to the time
domain pitch-synchronized overlap-add (PSOLA) methods, high frequency localization produces results
that are closer to what you get from an improved phase vocoder.
Complexity - This parameter is used to set the processing quality and determines the quality/speed
tradeoff, ranging from very fast/real-time preview to full quality for very high end applications. A low
quality setting provides excellent performance at a slightly lower algorithm quality, while higher values
render the results in more time but at a significantly higher resolution. Acceptable values – 0 thru 3
Spatialization - determines the time-frequency localization trade-off, ranging from a very localized
setting to very smooth. As a rule of thumb, a low value provides good time localization (good for voice
and single instrument recordings) while a high value is good for entire mixes. High values take more
time to process but are not considerably slower.
Acceptable values – 0 thru 5