Operation Manual

VirtualDJ features an internal mixer section as part of the InternalMixer skin. The mixer can be
accessed by selecting the “VirtualDJ:InternalMixer” in the Configuration Skin section.
It can be used just like a regular DJ mixer.
The controls on the mixer include:
1. Channel Gain
This knob sets the gain level for
the corresponding channel (deck).
(Right clicking will bring it to the
value that matches the other deck
level. Double clicking brings it
back to 0)
2. Channel Faders
These vertical faders allow you to
adjust the audio signal of the
desired channel.
3. EQ
These knobs allow you to adjust
the low, mid, and high frequencies
of the audio playing on the desired
channel of the mixer. Each
frequency range can also be cut
by pressing the corresponding
“Kill” button.
4. PFL
Sends the pre-fader level of the audio to the cue section for headphone monitoring.
5. Crossfader
The crossfader blends audio or video between the two decks. By sliding this fader from
channel to channel you can isolate the left and right deck or blend them together.