Operation Manual

VirtualDJ provides a simple, yet complex; interface for optimizing performance to the
capabilities of the computer based on its specifications. Depending on the system’s resources,
some settings will work better than others. It is recommended that the DJ take time to
experiment with the settings in order to achieve the best performance of their system
prior to using VirtualDJ in a live performance.
NOTE: When new components (controllers, soundcards, external drive, and software) are
added to the system, performance options may require changing to achieve a new best
possible performance based on the additions or changes to the system.
Use this slider to select different preset
configurations for the parameters below.
Shift the “Presets” slider to the right for “Best
Quality” of sound, or shift the slider to the
left for “Fastest” performance.
NOTE: Not all systems are able to
handle the HIGHEST setting for “Best
Quality”. It is highly recommended to
start at the “Fastest” preset and work
towards the “Best Quality” setting
testing each setting.
Latency – the amount of time it takes for a device to respond to a command. Latency makes
a significant difference when using timecoded vinyl, CDs, MIDI or external control devices. The
lower the latency setting the more instantly the software will respond, but the more likely the
DJ will hear glitches and pops if your computer is not fast enough to process the audio.
NOTE: in ASIO mode, some soundcard drivers don’t work well with a latency forced by
the software. In such case, use the “Auto” value, and set the latency in the soundcard’s
control panel.
Safe Mode – When using a DirectX mode setting (like Simple, Dual, Mono or 4.1), VirtualDJ is
less likely to produce glitches and pops if your CPU is momentarily busy. The performance
trade off is scratching and pitch adjustments will use more CPU, especially with advanced
algorithms. So, if using advanced Master Tempo this will probably need to be disabled, unless
the computer is very fast.
NOTE: this option has no effect on ASIO or Low-Latency modes