Operation Manual

The effects traditionally used are scratch, loops, and samples:
A scratch consists of creating an entirely new sound by playing a small portion of music
repeatedly. This is achieved by moving that same portion of music back and forth at different
velocities while using the crossfader to sharply cut the sound in and out of the mix.
A loop consists of isolating a passage from a title and playing it repeatedly in a looping fashion.
As the loop ends it will fluidly go back to the beginning and play again, prolonging the duration
of the passage.
A sample consists of a recorded passage which can be played at key moments in the mix to
build up interest or anticipate a track that is being mixed in.
There are many creative ways that scratches, samples and loops can be used and VirtualDJ
provides some great, easy-to-use tools for you to utilize all these techniques in your mix. By
simplifying and streamlining the technical aspects of DJing, VirtualDJ allows you to focus on
the most important part of the DJ experience — your imagination!
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