Operation Manual

NetSearch is an online searching capability that can provide the user with access to tracks not currently
in their collection. NetSearch also leverages VirtualDJ’s MusicGroup service for providing suggestions
of other tracks that one could play based on the current track playing.
NetSearch can be used by either selecting the NetSearch option from the left navigation panel or by
having the NetSearch options activated in for the entire database.
In the figure above, the NetSearch option is selected on the left with the options to search both Audio
and Video using the search options button to the right of the search box.
Alternatively, when any other item is selected from the left navigation panel, you can adjust the
NetSearch options for when not on the NetSearch entry.
Note the option for using NetSearch when there are no results for your current collection. With the
“Only NetSearch when no local results” is selected, then
VirtualDJ will reach out to its search service and provide you
with results from the net. If unchecked, the results will be
displayed in the following order Local Selected folder results,
Entire collection results, and NetSearch results. Each
separated by a dividing line as mentioned on the previous page.
The options “Search in Folder” and “Search in Drives” is a quick
way of removing your local database collection from the
potential search results.
If “Search in Drive" selected, but not "Search in Folder"; there is no distinction whether the files are in
currently browsed folder or not, it just displays the result from the search database.
With "Search in Folder" selected, but not "Search in Drive"; it shows only the files from the current
If both selected, the search show with a separation line between folder results and drive results.