Operation Manual

A highly dynamic and creative way to organize a collection of tracks is to apply conditions that
automatically filter (search) the database for tracks that match the criteria outlined. VirtualDJ calls
these types of folder FilterFolders.
Create a Filter Folder
Click on the blue FilterFolder icon and a Filter creation dialog is displayed.
Give the NEW filter folder a name. For example - Top 100 Played
Now enter the Filter to be used for creating the results desired. This is where it can be complicated or
simple. This example is simple, use the keyword ‗topwith the number ‗100‘ and the element ‗nbplay‘.
‗nbplay‘ looks at the Play Count data field. As the filter statement is entered VirtualDJ evaluates that the
statement is properly created. The OK button will remain ‗grayed‘ out if the statement is not well-
So the entire filter statement would look like top 100 nbplay‘. What VirtualDJ will do each time this
folder is selected with sort the entire database on the Play Count field in Descending order and then
display the first 100 entries or the Top 100.
The filter dialog provides some great examples but to get it‘s real power need to now what are the
appropriate elements, operators, and a few keywords that are used.
Elements - "title", "author", "artist", "album", "genre", "year", "bpm", "key", "bitrate", "songlen",
"filesize", "filepath", "filename", "extension", "hascover", "isscanned", "alreadyplayed", "lastplay",
"firstplay", "firstseen", "nbplay", "type", "days since firstseen", "days since firstplay",
"days since lastplay", "LinkedVideo", "HasLinkedVideo", ―BPMDiff‖, ―KeyDiff, ―ispresent, ―inSearchDB‖
Operators "==", "=", ">=", "<=", "!=", "<>", ">", "<", "is not", "is", "equals‖, "equal", "contains",
"contain", "doesn‘t contain", "starts with", "start with", "ends with", "end with ", "and ",
"or ", "&&", "||", "&", "|"
Keywords ―top‖, ―[inverted]‖