Operation Manual

Actions and Parameters (VDJScript)
There are a large number of actions that have various types of parameters that can be added
to give various levels of control when the action is applied. The standard for using the action
with the parameter is - <action verb> <action parameter> . e.g. pitch +0.05 changes the
pitch slider to a position +0.05 from zero position.
* To learn more about the actions visit our wiki at http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki and review the
VDJScript section.
* And examples of useful actions are on our wiki at http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/VDJScript%20
When using multiple controllers with a multi-deck skin, you can select which controllers are to act upon
which deck.
In this first example, the 4 deck skin is being used with 4 Pioneer CDJ controllers and each CDJ has
been assigned to an individual deck. Showing the CDJ-350 assigned to Deck 1 and each additional
CDJ is assigned a specific deck the same way.