Operation Manual

VirtualDJ provides an additional ability to record or broadcast the output. To access the recording and
broadcasting features click on the ―Record‖ tab. The following interface is displayed.
The following methods are available:
Record Audio
Burn CD
Record Movie
To access the recording settings click on the ―Config‖ button at the top center of the interface.
By default, VirtualDJ uses the internal Master output of VirtualDJ‘s internal mixer capabilities to record
or broadcast. To use an alternative line input please see the Audio Setup guide for directions on how
to use the Record Loopback option in Advanced Config.
Record Audio
―Record Audio‖ provides recording a mix session to a .WAV or .MP3 file direct to the system‘s hard
drive. When the recording is completed, it can then be listened to in VirtualDJ, edited with an audio
editing application, or written to a CD using a CD burning software.
To setup the ―Record Audio‖, click on ―Config‖ to access the configuration settings for recording a file.
Record From
Auto-Start checking this box will automatically begin the recording when the first track begins
playing. If not checked then manual activation of the recording will need to be activated using
the ―Start Recording‖ button
Path provide the path and name of the file where the recording is going to be saved.
Prompt if overwrite checked will prompt to overwrite when trying to record to a file that
already exists.