Operation Manual

VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Effects can be removed from the Effect Selection List by right-clicking *.
* Note. Only user’s custom effects can be moved or deleted. The Default Effects (see table below)
can not be moved to a Group nor can they be deleted. Additional Effects can be downloaded from
our website http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/effects.html
The Default Effects of VirtualDJ
Windows version
Distortion, Echo, Flanger, Beatgrid, Loop Roll, Phaser, Reverb, Slicer, Wah
Wah, Brake, Backspin, FlippinDouble, Overloop
Mac version
Distortion, Echo, Flanger, Beatgrid, Loop Roll, Phaser, Reverb, Slicer, Wah
Wah, Brake, Backspin, FlippinDouble, Overloop
The Minimal view is auto-selected if one of the other
2 sections (Hot Cues and Effects) are set to Extended
View. In this view, Loop IN and a Loop OUT buttons
will be offered to set the entry and exit points of the
Minimal Loop View
The Normal view is auto-selected if none of the
available sections are set to extended mode. In this
view, Loop IN and Loop OUT buttons will be offered to
set the entry and exit points of the Loop. Use the
buttons to half or double the size of the loop.
The size of the loop is visible along with a loop
progress Bar.
Normal Loop View