Operation Manual

VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Search results
Search Options
By default, VirtualDJ will search within the Artist, Title and filepath fields of database, but
more or different fields can be selected from Search Options to narrow or provide
different search results.
- The order of your typing words is irrelevant. VirtualDJ will search within the selected fields using
all the words that you typed
- Numeric fields can be also used. E.g. Select BPM from the Search Options and type 120-125. It
will provide all tracks that have BPM within the provided range. (tracks need to be prior analyzed)
Analyse Tracks
Once a folder is selected from the left side of the Browser, the tracks will appear in the
Songs list, providing the Artist, Title and probably Remix fields (if available). If the tracks
have never been played with VirtualDJ before, the fields BPM, Length and Key will be
In order to see these information, you will need to analyze (scan) your tracks.
It is strongly advised to have all your tracks analyzed.
How to :
Analyze specific tracks
Right-Click to any of your tracks and choose Analyze for BPM from the offered menu.
Multiple tracks can be selected (using mouse click +SHIFT or/and CTRL), and Batch ->
Analyze for BPM option from the same right-click offered menu.
Analyze specific folder
Right-click to any of your folders from the Folders List and choose Batch->Analyze for
BPM from the offered menu.