Instruction Manual

BoomBox NA4
User Manual
Attero Tech LLC 2011-2013 Page 6 614-00006-02
3.2.2 – Channel Controls
Each individual output has its own local set of controls (see Figure 5). At the top is the
channel select. This allows selection of which of the two possible audio streams to use for
that particular output. Which audio streams are available is determined by the bundle
setup. The active channel button will show green, and the inactive channel button show
grey. One or the other of the channel select buttons will always be active. To select the
other audio stream, simply click the inactive channel select button.
There are no restrictions on how many outputs on a given unit can use a particular audio
stream or in which order the streams are allocated to the outputs. The channel selection
can also be changed on the fly.
Slightly below that is the mute button (marked with an ‘M’). When the button is grey, as
shown in Figure 5, the mute is not active. When the button is grey, the mute is active.
Clicking the mute button will turn it toggle the mute on or off. The channel mute only
affects an individual output.
The main control is the volume fader. The fader has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum
of 100 Is this still true, or have we audio scaled this?. Moving the fader up increases the
volume, moving it down reduces it. Altering the value will change the volume on that channel only. Click and hold the
left mouse button down on the slider and drag the mouse forward or backward to move the slider upward or downward
respectively. The new volume value is sent to the BoomBox once the mouse button is released.
The volume control also accepts a value that is typed in. A single left click on the control will highlight the volume
controls text value and typing a new value will overwrite the current text. Once the required value is entered, press the
Enter key to complete the process and accept the new value. If a valid number is entered, the control will change to the
newly entered number or as close to it as the control’s range allows. The control will revert back to its previous value if
an invalid number is entered. If the Enter key is not pressed after entering a new value and a different control is
selected, the control that was being edited will revert to its previous value.
Figure 5 – Channel