User guide

Control Center
User Manual
Attero Tech LLC 2013 Page 15 614-00002-07
4.3 – Receiver Setup
Figure 12 -Bundle receiver setup
The Receiver Setup tab is show in (Figure 13). Like the transmitter tab, bundle edit boxes for each bundle receiver are given
above the submap grid. The values in the receiver submap grid represent which of the incoming audio streams from a
bundle are assigned to the devices CobraNet inputs.
Clicking on a bundle edit box or on a cell in the submap grid will select the item so it can be edited. The bundle edit boxes
accept values from 0 to 65535 though private bundles (65280 to 65535) are not supported. Valid values for the submaps
are 33 to 64 or use 0 to ignore the audio in that slot and essentially throw that audio away.
The receiver status is constantly monitored in the background. The background color of each cell is updated based on its
value and the receiving state of the bundle. The form contains a legend for quick
reference with details of the grid colors. A table of the colurs and what they mean is
included below.
Cell Color Description
Blue Cell selected
Green Active audio is being received and used
Yellow Active audio not being used
Received audio is in an unusable format (Latency and/or sample rate
do not match the devices latency and sample rate)
Grey Audio not being received
*Note: The grid coloring is only done against the values the device is currently using
therefore any changes to the settings that have not been applied won’t be taken into
In addition to the grid coloration, any active bundle will also populate the fields below the submap grid showing what sort of
audio is being recevied.
Figure 13 - Receiver Submap