User guide

Control Center
User Manual
Attero Tech LLC 2013 Page 16 614-00002-07
4.3.1 – Notes on Receive Bundles
The submaps in the receiver submap grid work a little differently to those in the transmit submap grid. Each CobraNet
input is assigned a number. The value 33 represents input 1, 34 represents input 2 and so on. However, unlike the
transmit grid, each CobraNet input can only receive a single stream. This means that the only a single instance of each
input value should be used across the entire submap grid (the only exception being the value 0 which can be used as many
times as necessary). Using the same CobraNet input value on two active streams *WILL NOT* result in the streams being
mixed. CobraNet is only a transport mechanism and cannot mix signals en-route.
If two incoming audio streams in a device do have the same CobraNet input assigned to them, whether they are from the
same bundle or different bundles, one stream will be used, the other will not. This may be a desirable use case in certain
applications but further reading on which stream the device uses is advised.
Whilst the values 33 through 64 are valid numbers, the actual usable channels on a device will depend on the device being
set up. Some devices have up to 32 CobraNet input channels while others are only capable of 2 (refer to the device’s
manual for information on what CobraNet input channels are available for that device). Care should be taken when
allocating input channels to submaps to ensure only usable input channels are used.
4.4 – Mode Rate Control
The Mode Rate Control drop down is below the bundle transmitter setup. The value it contains determines both the sample
rate and latency of the device but from a single value. Sample rates of 48 kHz or 96 kHz can be selected with latencies of
1.333ms, 2.666ms, or 5.333ms.
****** Warning *****
Great caution should be taken before altering this parameter for a device. This is especially true as the value
controls two separate variables: sample rate and latency. If a device uses on-board DSP, changing the latency is OK
but changing the sample rate may be detrimental to device operation and may stop it from functioning completely.
For Attero Tech products, any latency value can be used provided the sample rate value remains the same. Products such as
VoiceBox, DialogBox, InBox, and OutBox contain DSP processing that is linked to a sample rate of 48 kHz. Changing the
sample rate (regardless of what latency used) for these devices will be detrimental to the device in question and may cause
the device to cease functioning.
For non-Attero Tech devices, consult the manual of the device you wish to alter the sample rate of to verify that the sample
rate is supported and it is safe to change. If in doubt, DO NOT change this value. Attero Tech takes no responsibility for
the incorrect operation of a non-Attero Tech device if this software is used to alter the device’s ModeRateControl parameter.