User guide

Control Center
User Manual
Attero Tech LLC 2013 Page 17 614-00002-07
5 – MatchBox Controls
MatchBox control is also part of Control Center. Two MatchBox features are available. They are the MatchBox Device
Configuration tool and the MatchBox Monitor tool. Both tools are accessed through the MatchBox Menu and are only useful
if a MatchBox is plugged into a USB port on the machine running Control Center. Detailed instructions on their use are
available in the MatchBox User Manual but notes are included here for completeness.
5.1 – MatchBox Device Configuration
The MatchBox Device Configuration tool allows the user to alter the configuration of devices/channels in a MatchBox,
selecting whether they are inputs to the PC or outputs from the PC.
5.2 – MatchBox Monitor
The MatchBox Monitor is a tool that allows live audio from a microphone or line input to be placed onto the CobraNet
network via the MatchBox. It also can route CobraNet audio via the MatchBox to a local sound card for local monitoring.