Owner manual

DialogBox 4/2
User Manual
Attero Tech LLC 2013 Page 7 614-00011-04
3.5 - Matrix Mixer
The DialogBox includes a matrix mixer that allows signals flowing through it to be mixed as necessary. Figure 10
shows the controls. The each column represents an input. In1 through In4 are the local inputs. CI1 though CI4 are the
CobraNet inputs. Each row is dedicated to a local output.
Each knob sets the level from a particular input signal that is applied to a particular output signal. Send signal levels
can be set from -100dB (no send) to 0dB (full send). The controls can be moved by mouse by clicking and holding the
left mouse button on a control and the moving the mouse. Releasing the mouse button will send the current value to
the DialogBox. Alternately, a specific value can be typed in by clicking the control to highlight it and then entering the
desired value. Pressing Enter will send the new value to the DialogBox once it has been validated. When typing a new
value, pressing escape will exit the edit value mode and return the control to its previous setting.
The mixer controls tab also shows a copy of the audio flow diagram for reference.
Figure 10 - DialogBox Matrix Mixer Controls