
Using Help | Contents | Index
Shadow Tracker Professional
Premier Base - Help
Using Help | Contents | Index
Shadow Tracker
Stops not associated with a Map Location, are displayed using a street address range. Example:
“1200-1298 FANNIN, Houston, TX 77001”. Stops that occur within an area not associated with
a street address range are listed as “Unknown”. In these cases, if this is a commonly traveled to
location, a Map Location can be created to display any relevant information you choose. By doing
this, all future reports will display this Map Location’s name instead of “Unknown”.
Power and Ignition Events
If you are using a Tracking Unit with ignition sensing capabilities, each time the Unit is connected
and disconnected, or the vehicle’s ignition is turned on or off, the time these events occur will be
recorded. This information will be reflected in certain reports. These events will be displayed in
the Action Type and Location Name columns of the report.
Report Types
Tracking Reports
Tracking Reports allow you to review the daily travel activity of your Employees and Vehicles,
giving you the ability to monitor and analyze the driving habits and daily work routines of your
Employees. These reports can be extremely valuable in increasing both Employee and Vehicle
efficiency. The reports are created based on either an Employee or Vehicle Record, and provide an
accurate and detailed description of travel activity. Data can also be displayed in a more graphical
format by using the Time and Ignition Comparison graphs.
Reports vary in the type and amount of information they contain. When a Tracking Report is
created, the specified GPS data is organized and displayed in chronological order. Each Event
type is listed separately along with its’ associated data. The GPS data is arranged and displayed
according to the following columnar headings:
Begin / End: Displays the start and end time of each stop, transit or event type.
Duration: Displays the duration of each stop, transit or event type.
Event Type: Displays various event types such as, stops and transits, power on/off, ignition
on/off, track begin/end.
Location Name: Displays information related to each stop, transit or event type.
Max Speed: Displays the maximum speed traveled during a transit.
Mileage: Displays the total mileage traveled during a transit.
Days Accrual Statistics: A summary of all stops, transits, mileage and speed data detailed
in the report.