
Using Help | Contents | Index
Shadow Tracker Professional
Premier Base - Help
Using Help | Contents | Index
Shadow Tracker
Add: To create a new record in the database.
Edit: To make changes to an existing record.
Delete: To erase a record from the database, and in some cases delete associated records as well.
Save: To save a new record to the database.
Save Changes: To save the changes made to an existing record.
Cancel: To cancel any changes made to the record.
Record Navigation Arrows: Located at the bottom of most data entry forms, these arrows
allow you to navigate through records by moving through the records listing, in First, Next,
Previous and Last record order.
Close: Returns you to the Shadow Tracker program window.
Assigning Record ID’s
When a database record is created for a Customer, Employee or Vehicle, you are required to
designate an ID number for that record. This number can be any number you choose, but can be
no longer that nine characters in length.
In addition, Customer and Employee Records allow you to designate an Accounting ID number
that can be associated with each record. The Accounting ID is not a required field, but can be
useful if you plan to export any of these records to other software programs.
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Database records
Company and Branch Information
The Company Information Record is for information regarding your specific company. You can
include as little or as much information as you like.
If your company has one or more Branch locations, a Branch Information Record can also be
created for each Branch that you wish to include in your database. Structuring your records in this
way will help to keep your database organized.