Instruction manual

Select an application
Different RAID configurations provide different
levels of security. Refer to
Designing RAID
on page i of the Appendix for a
description of each RAID level.
1 If you are not already in the ExpressNAV
interface, type the IP address of your appliance,
as found in Use the ExpressNAV interface
page 29, in a standard browser, click Enter
Here and type in your user name and
2 From the setup menu, select one of the
following and continue using the directions in
each specific section:
Quick Digital Video: provides parity RAID
protection (DVRAID) and optimized
performance for digital video (sequential
access) configurations using 6, 7, 12, 14 or
24 drives. This set up does not allow you to
use any number but 6, 7, 12, 14 or 24.
DVRAID is only available using the Quick
Digital Video setup wizard.
General Digital Video: provides parity RAID
protection for digital applications (sequential
access) for configurations using any number
of drives.
General IT: provides parity RAID protection
optimized for random access applications
using any number of drives.
Database: provides parity RAID protection
for database applications (small transfer,
random access) for configurations using any
number of drives.
Quick Digital Video
Quick Digital Video uses proprietary ATTO
Technology DVRAID which allows editing of
multiple streams of 10-bit High Definition
uncompressed video and multiple streams of
Standard Definition video. DVRAID currently
supports 6, 7, 12, 14 or 24 drives.
1 If you have chosen Quick Digital Video, the
Quick Digital Video Setup Wizard page
Select your operating system.
2Select Next.
3 Verify you want to continue: click Yes.
4 If the system does not find 6, 12 or 24 drives,
click on System Scan and wait for the scan to
5 Click Next.
6 Select a fault tolerance level: click either
Standard Fault Tolerance (no Hot Spare
drives) or Maximum Fault Tolerance (which
would add Hot Spares to the system). Refer to
Use Hot Spares
on page 13 for details.
7 Click Commit.
8 A warning box appears. In the warning box,
verify that you want to complete the
configuration by clicking on Yes. Clicking on No
ends the procedure without making a change.
9 The FastStream configures the storage: the
process may take several hours. When the
process is complete, the Health and Status
Monitor page appears.
General Digital Video, General IT or
1 If you have chosen General Digital Video,
General IT or Database, the Setup Wizard
page appears.
The FastStream SC 5700 scans your system
for drives and configures them into the most
appropriate RAID configuration.
2Select Commit.
3 A warning box appears. In the warning box,
verify that you want to complete the
configuration by clicking on Yes. Clicking on No
ends the procedure without making a change.
4 The FastStream configures the storage: the
process may take several hours. When the
process is complete, the Health and Status
Monitor page appears.