
Install, update drivers
Updating Drivers and Re-flashing Firmware in Mac OS X
Mac OS X drivers, including installer packages,
can be downloaded directly from the ATTO web
site, www.attotech.com. The driver installers will
automatically unionist existing drivers and
properly install the new drivers on your system.
After installing, the new adapter driver you will
need to update the firmware.
The ATTO ExpressPCI Configuration Tool,
available on the ATTO web site,
www.attotech.com/software/index.html, will
verify drivers and firmware versions and attempt
to flash. Instructions for using this utility are
provided as part of the download process.
Updating Drivers and Re-flashing Firmware in Mac OS 9
To re-flash the firmware to the latest version:
1 Obtain the latest firmware and updater program
from the ATTO web site www.attotech.com and
download to your host.
2 Create a folder or drive where you want the
program files to be placed.
3 Using a compression utility capable of handling
hqx files, extract the files by clicking Save.
4 Open the program file folder and click on the
ExpressPCI Updater program.
5 Select the appropriate option and hit Enter.
6 A message will inform you which ExpressPCI
cards were updated.
7 Type Q to quit.
8 Re-boot the Macintosh system.