Quick Guide

Default ID/Password is admin/admin.
The default password must be changed for security.
Max character length is 12.
A password can be used if it satisfies two or more in the following criteria:
1) It contains at least one lowercase English character.
2) It contains at least one uppercase English character.
3) It contains at least one special character. The special characters are “! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + ...
4) It contains at least one digit.
Its length must be at least 10 if it satisfies only two of the above criteria.
Its length must be at least 8 if it satisfies three or more of the above criteria.
2.3.2 System
Set each item in System setting screen.
System Mode: Select input video type(analog or analog+IP).
Language: Select system language.
Device Name: Enter the device name.
Keyboard ID: To identify device usages in controlling DVR with RS485 through a keyboard
Selecting the device ID. In case of simultaneous use of equipment, set ID with difference.
HDMI/VGA: Set resolution of a monitor connected to the device.
2.3.3 Network
Set each item in Network setting screen.