
Address: 1000 Seville Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281
Phone: 1.800.924.5172
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B5 S4 Timing Belt Kit Installation
Step 28.
Replace the water pump. Loosen and remove all the
perimeter bolts, including the one hiding beneath the
power steering pump (arrow). ๎€Ÿis is the reason we
loosened the power steering pump way back in Step 6.
Pry the pump away from its gasket. Have a drain pan
ready to catch any coolant that escapes.
Step 29.
Clean away all old gasket material and dirt. An angle
head die grinder with an abrasive disk does a good job
of getting things clean for the new pump and gasket.
Step 30.
Unbolt the thermostat cover housing from the front
of the engine. Remove the old thermostat and o-ring.
Install the new thermostat and o-ring from your kit.
Make sure the thermostat is installed with the jiggle
(bleed valve) at 12 oโ€™clock.
Reinstall the water pump using the new gasket
contained in the kit.