User Manual

32 33
Sono Software Mixer
Sono Application
Channel Strip Features
Channel Name
Shows the Name of the channel. To adjust the
name of the channel, simply double click and
type in a name of your choice.
Phase Reverse
This flips the polarity of the signal by 180°
which is extremely useful if you find two
signals to be phase cancelling such as micing
the front and rear of a guitar cab.
Allows you to send the channel to either the
left channel of your monitor mix, the right
channel or anywhere in-between.
Stereo Link
This will link a pair of channels together so
that they act as a single stereo channel. In
this state, the pans of these two channels will
be set to hard left and hard right and the two
fader will combine into one.
Solo & Mute
Solo will stop all monitoring from other
channels except those that are also solo’d
Mute stops all monitoring from this channel.
Channel Meter
Shows the current input level in dBFS
Channel Fader
Controls how much signal from this channel is
sent to Mix between -inf dB and +6dB
Sono Mixer Channel Strips
The Sono Mixer app is made up of a number
of channel strips which each control the
monitoring of a particular input or DAW
The channel strips of the Mixer are as follows:
Mic 1/DI
This channel contains the signal for either the
Mic/Line 1 input on the rear of Sono or the
Guitar input on the front of Sono. If a jack is
connected to the guitar input, The Mic/Line
input is switched out.
Mic 2
Mic 2 contains the signal present from the
Mic/Line 2 connector on the rear of Sono.
No C.A.B
This channel is a clone of the Mic 1/DI channel
but does not pass through any of the Two
Notes Torpedo Processing. This is useful
should you also want to capture a clean guitar
signal for re-amping or processing later
Digi 1-8
These channels are the inputs from the
Optical connector which can be used to add
upto 8 extra input channels. The number of
Digi channels will vary based on whether you
are using S/PDIF or ADAT, and your sample
DAW 1+2
DAW 1+2 is the output 1+2 from your DAW
software, it is also the output that most audio
applications will default to for playback
DAW 3+4
DAW 3+4 is the output 3+4 from your DAW.
This allows you to have multiple sends from
your DAW for more complex monitor mixes.
DAW 3 is also the channel you would use for
the To Amp output.
Stereo Link
Solo & Mute