
If the KINETICS button is turned on, the nubbies move by themselves after you move them with the mouse. If
you release the mouse button as you drag a nubby, it will continue to move with the same speed and direction
that you dragged it. In other words, you can push the nubbies with the mouse and they'll coast in the
direction that you push them. (Think of an Air Hockey table.) The nubbies bounce off the sides of the pad area
and will continue to move until you turn the KINETICS button off. If the nubbies are connected in either the
Link or Lock mode, they'll bounce around the pad together, staying a fixed distance apart. Try itit makes
more sense to see it than to read a description of it.
The kinetics system operates as part of Dr. Device’s signal processing. Some hosts turn off plug-ins when
audio is not passing through the plug-in to conserve CPU cycles. If your host turns off Dr. Device, the nubbies
will cease to move.
If you hold down the CTRL key (for Windows) or the CMD key (for OS X) while clicking the KINETICS button,
the velocities of both nubbies will be set to zero and their motion will cease. This can be handy if you give one
of the nubbies a good shove and it bounces around so quickly that you can’t catch it with the mouse pointer.
The motion recorder has priority over the kinetics. If you've already recorded the motion of one or more
nubbies and set the MODE of the motion recorder to PLAY, the KINETICS button will have no effect on the
nubby or nubbies controlled by the motion recorder. However, you can use the motion recorder to control just
one of the nubbies, leaving the other to bounce around freely when KINETICS is turned on.
5. Level Controls
The Level knobs let you boost or reduce the level of the signals entering and leaving the plug-in. Both have an
operating range of -40dB (nearly silencing the signal) when rotated fully counter-clockwise to +3dB
(amplifying the signal by a small amount) when rotated clockwise. In most circumstances you'll probably not
need to adjust these controls. The Input knob can be used to reduce the input signal's level if you find that it
seems to be overloading the filter, and the Output knob can be used to adjust Dr. Device's overall output