
2000Hz; the HI CUT control has a range of 200-20000Hz. Change these settings either by clicking and
dragging horizontally in the left and right areas of the frequency-response graph, or by clicking and dragging
vertically on the LOW CUT and HI CUT values.
It’s worth noting that reverb rarely needs to have a full 20kHz bandwidth. High frequencies tend to be
absorbed by the surroundings (walls, carpets, curtains, etc.) rather than reflected so our ears are accustomed
to hearing reverb without much high-frequency content. One early hardware reverberator, the Ursa Major
Space Station, had a bandwidth of only 7kHz. While this seems almost laughable by today’s standards, that
bandwidth was very much a part of its characteristic and popular sound. When its creator developed a modern
reissue of the Space Station, he carefully preserved and recreated the 7kHz bandwidth, even though
contemporary DSP hardware is capable of a much higher frequency response.
The MIX numerical adjusts the relative loudness of the processed signal and the original
signal. Click on it and drag vertically to change its value. If you set it at zero, you’ll hear
only the original, unprocessed signal. If you set it at 100%, you’ll hear only the
reverberation. You can probably guess what happens if you set it somewhere in between, right?
Where you should set the MIX control depends upon how you’re using the plug-in within your host program. If
you’re using it as a send effect, set the control to 100% so that only the processed signal is present in the
output since the dry signal is already entering your host’s mixer. If you’re using it as an insert effect on an
instrument channel, usually you’ll want a setting somewhere between 30 and 50% so that you hear more or
less equal amounts of the instrument’s signal and the reverberation. Let your ears be your guide, as always.
Note: The MIX control behaves somewhat differently than the other controls in Eos (and in other plug-ins).
Since it’s likely that you’ll want to put Eos in as either a send or an insert effect, set the MIX control
accordingly, and leave it there while you try different presets, the MIX control does not change when you
switch presets. Once you set the MIX knob to your liking in any instance of Eos, it will stay at that setting
when you change presets. When you save your session, or when you save either an individual preset or a
bank of presets as a separate file, the current setting of the MIX control is retained.
The INFINITE button, when turned on, effectively sets the decay time of the reverberators
to infinity. Any signal present in the plug-in when you turn the infinite button on will be