Owner manual

5. Invert
The INVERT switch, when depressed and illuminated, inverts the phase or polarity of the feedback signal. This
produces a slightly different tonal effect which is most apparent when the FEEDBACK knob is turned up fairly
high. To change the state of the INVERT switch, click on it with the mouse.
6. Offset
The OFFSET knob applies a small additional amount of delay to the delay lines used by Liquid’s right channel.
This produces a wide stereo field and also enhances the flanging effect. This knob has no effect when Liquid is
used in a mono-in/mono-out context, but can be used to “stereoize” a mono signal in a mono-in/stereo-out
If you’re experienced with mixing audio, this description of the OFFSET knob should be setting off small alarm
bells. Yes, it’s an effect that intrinsically depends upon a stereo output and may or may not produce desirable
results if you mix to mono. If you’re going to lose sleep over this, leave the OFFSET knob at zero.
7. Power
The POWER light illuminates to indicate that your computer’s CPU is receiving adequate electrical power.
8. Time Indicator
The time indicator above the MANUAL knob reflects the relative delay time created by the two delay lines. If
the indicator is at its center position, the delay times are equal. The combined effect of the MANUAL knob
and the modulation oscillator determines the position of the indicator, and hence provides a visual
representation of their interaction. It’s also just fun to watch.