User Manual

Trigger Time, Attack and Decay
Once Panstation is triggered, a synthesizer-style envelope generator controls the intensity of the
panning/tremolo. You can use the envelope generator to make panning effects that grow in width and stop
abruptly, tremolo that starts instantly and fades out, and so on. The maximum effect of the LFOs is still
controlled by the DEPTH control.
The ATTACK control determines how quickly the effect
starts after being triggered. It has a range of 1msec to 10
seconds. The TRIG TIME control sets how long the
panning continues after the attack phase. It has a range
of 1msec to 20 seconds. If you increase the value above 20 seconds, the control switches to ―INF‖ for infinity,
and the panning effect will continue indefinitely. Finally, The DECAY control determines how quickly the effect
fades out; it has a range of 100msec to 10 seconds.
If either MIDI Note Position or MIDI Pan Controller is the active trigger source, the ATTACK control has a
different function. For these trigger sources ATTACK sets the response time of a lag processor applied to the
MIDI data. As you raise the ATTACK setting, Panstation responds more slowly to changes in the MIDI data.
Use relatively small settings of a few milliseconds to provide fast response with some smoothing of sharp
jumps, and long settings to create panning effects that move slowly from one fixed position to another.
Trigger Count
The Count slider sets the number of triggers necessary to start Panstation’s envelope generator. For example,
if you set the Count slider to 4, four audio triggers or MIDI Note-Ons (depending on the Trigger Source) must
be received before the panning starts. The numbers to the right of the slider display the number of triggers
received followed by the setting of the Count slider.
You can reset the trigger counter to zero by holding the CTRL key and
clicking the numbers.
Alternate Trigger
The ALT TRIG switch, short for Alternate Trigger, flips the starting phase of the LFOs, as set by the
PHASE control, every other time Panstation is triggered. The exact effect of this control depends
upon the SHAPE and PHASE settings, but if these controls are set such that the panning starts on
one side, it will switch to the other side with each trigger.