Instruction Manual

The RATE slider sets the speed with which the chorus effect is modulated (changed) by a low-frequency
oscillator (LFO). As you move this slider upwards the modulation rate increases. The RATE control has a range
of 0.05 to 1Hz. Note that if the DEPTH slider (described next) is set to zero, you won’t hear any change in the
output when you move the RATE slider.
The DEPTH slider determines how much the chorus effect is modulated by the LFO. At its lowest setting, the
LFO has no effect and the chorus process acts like a short delay. As you move the DEPTH slider upwards the
modulation amount increases and chorus process has a more noticeable effect. You may find that you have to
adjust the RATE and DEPTH sliders together, e.g. a lower DEPTH setting might work better with a high RATE
setting and vice-versa.
The TIME slider sets the length of the delay used to create the chorus effect. Moving the TIME slider upwards
increases the delay time. The slider has a range of 5 to 25msec. The lowest settings can create flanging or
comb-filtering effects; higher settings create chorus and doubling effects.
The MIX slider controls the amount of the chorus effect that is added to Ricochet’s output. If the MIX slider is
at its lowest position the chorus effect is silenced. As you move the slider upwards the chorus effect becomes
louder. Note that the MIX slider does not reduce the level of the signal not processed by the chorus. At the
highest setting of the MIX slider, the chorused and non-chorused signals are combined in equal amounts.