Instruction Manual

The SOFT SAT slider controls the amount of soft-saturation distortion created within Ricochet’s feedback path.
The distortion section has two purposes: first, it prevents feedback signals from growing without limit; second,
it imparts a variable amount of analog-like distortion. This distortion can help repeated signals seem to break
up or decay and become less distinct. Moving the slider upwards increases the amount of distortion.
The Filter Frequency sliders at the bottom of the panel, labeled HI-CUT FREQ and LO-CUT FREQ, control the
corner frequencies of the two shelving filters present in Ricochet’s input section. The gains of these shelving
filters are controlled by the FILTER knob, described above. Moving the frequency sliders towards the right
increases the corner frequency of the associated filter. The low-cut filter frequency slider has a range of 20 to
10kHz and the high-cut filter slider has a range of 50 to 2kHz. Note that you won’t hear anything when you
move these sliders if the FILTER knob isn’t in the appropriate position. The FILTER knob must be rotated anti-
clockwise from its center position for the high-cut filter to have any effect, and rotated clockwise from center
for the low-cut filter to have any effect. Note that the locations of the sliders reflect their correspondence to
directions of rotation of the Filter knob: the HI-CUT FREQ slider is on the left, and the high-cut filter is active
when the Filter knob is rotated towards the left, whereas the low-cut filter is active when the knob is rotated
towards the right.
Click the GRID button at the lower-left corner of Ricochet’s window to switch back to the main delay display.