
The Isolator section of Rough Rider Pro is a DJ-style 3-band equalizer. It splits the incoming signal into three
frequency ranges: high (treble), middle, and low (bass). The frequency sliders control the operating
frequencies of the filters in the crossover network which divide the incoming signal into separate frequency
ranges. The HIGH FREQ slider sets the dividing point between the high and middle frequencies. Moving the
slider upwards increases the frequency, narrowing the high range of frequencies and widening the mid range.
The LOW FREQ slider sets the dividing point between the middle and low frequencies. Moving the slider
upwards increases the frequency, narrowing the mid range and increasing the low range.
The GAIN knobs control the level (loudness) of each frequency band. The HIGH GAIN, MID GAIN, and LOW
GAIN knobs, as you can probably figure out for yourself, control the levels of the high, middle, and low
frequency bands respectively. Turning the knob clockwise boosts the signal, turning it anti-clockwise makes it
The arrow-shaped ON buttons to the right of the level knobs act as “kill” switches for each frequency band. If
the band’s switch is off the band is completely silenced. Click the switches with your mouse to turn them on
and off.
Rough Rider Pro has three separate compressors with independent controls and operation. The routing of
signals through the compressors depends on the ROUTING switch in the lower right of Rough Rider Pro’s
window. In MULTI mode, each compressor operates on its corresponding band of frequencies, and the
compressor operate in parallel. The top compressor processes the high frequencies, the bottom compressor
processes the low frequencies, and the middle compressor processes the mid-range frequencies. The outputs
of the three compressors are added together to form the plug-in’s output. In SERIES mode, the compressors
are connected in series, with the output of the top compressor connected to the input of the middle
compressor and the output of the middle compressor connected to the input of the bottom compressor. In
SERIES mode, the three outputs of the Isolator are added together; the isolator operates more or less like a
three-band parametric equalizer. The signal filtered by the Isolator enters the top compressor, passes through
the middle compressor, leaves from the bottom compressor, and then makes its way out of the plug-in. Click
the ROUTING buttons to switch back and forth between the two modes.
Each compressor has three level meters, labeled IN, OUT, and GR. The IN and OUT meters reflect the level of
the signals entering and leaving the compressor. This means that the meters will display different levels
depending on the setting of the ROUTING switch. In MULTI mode the meters reflect the levels of the signals